I, Oliver Bonham-Carter 👋

Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Allegheny College

I, Oliver Bonham-Carter, In June

I, Oliver Bonham-Carter 👋

Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Allegheny College

Class Activity 01


Lists of unique words from articles with the number of their occurrence in an acticle. Can you determine what kinds of articles there are just by looking at the words?

Data Set 1

particularly	2
just	4
show	2
magnetic	5
produced	3
affect	2
earth	5
still	2
one	3
limbs	3
aug	3
also	3
going	4
mikic	15
not	3
highly	3
like	2
facing	2
paper	2
team	6
found	2
zoran	3
old	3
people	2
some	2
prediction	9
see	2
sight	2
year	2
credit:	2
et	3
large	4
total	5
space	3
sun	17
scientists	3
it	2
we	2
follow	2
nature	3
if	3
modeling	2
involved	2
days	3
against	2
thing	2
isn	2
published	2
com	3
first	2
image	3
predictions	2
rely	2
would	2
predict	2
really	2
today	2
sort	2
mostly	2
that	2
solar	8
last	3
eclipse	14
will	2
can	2
—	3
detailed	3
process	3
al	2
general	2
something	2
bartels	2
field	5
you	2
difficult	2
meghan	2
said	10
astronomy	3
data	5
sunspots	3
happening	2
well	2
corona	9
time	4

Data Set 2

go	2
aug	2
tweet	3
father	2
removal	2
mate	4
voted	2
town	8
updated	2
very	4
every	4
did	4
democrat	2
says	2
street	2
video	2
even	5
shares	2
capital	4
full	6
honour	2
funeral	4
hours	2
palin	6
arena	4
daughter	2
leaves	2
alaska	4
credit	2
bexley	2
honor	4
campaign	8
obamacare	3
replace	2
fbi	2
sarah	6
would	4
australian	4
today	2
diamond	2
trail	4
flag	6
praise	2
trump	16
kym	2
chip	2
listens	2
ceremony	2
end	2
holds	2
prognosis	2
speaks	8
may	4
earlier	3
president	7
senators	6
canberra	4
september	2
brain	2
looks	2
campaigned	2
half	7
not	10
republican	12
discuss	2
presidential	7
james	2
university	2
didn	2
house	13
saturday	2
out	2
since	2
bailout	2
health	2
hill	2
gov	4
gop	2
attended	4
reacts	2
mourning	2
york	8
care	2
discontinues	2
american	2
cain	4
hearse	2
somodevilla	2
lyons	2
one	6
another	2
wasn	2
message	2
service	7
statement	4
white	11
john	32
participated	2
final	2
friend	2
hillary	2
july	4
vucci	2
loved	2
mccain:	4
briefing	4
nominee	3
remained	2
talking	2
say	2
also	2
play	2
unless	2
react	2
newspix	2
skinny	2
thomas	4
democrats	2
staff	12
proclamation	2
obama	3
dc	6
despite	2
australasia	2
ohio	4
see	2
defense	3
sen	21
said	6
representatives	2
closed	4
europe	2
august	9
news	2
debt	2
last	3
career	2
country	2
end_	2
comey	2
senator	9
passing	3
flies	2
cancer	4
jeff	2
wall	2
pow	2
mccain	66
maintained	2
respect	2
smith	2
conference	4
mark	3
pa	4
sotu	2
territory	2
meeting	4
life	4
offered	2
former	6
bill	3
jpg	2
helped	2
rally	2
claimed	2
memorial	2
media	2
gets	2
day	5
director	3
running	4
flown	2
pennsylvania	5
flags	8
position	2
rosenstein	2
capitol	5
less	2
photo	12
death	9
family	2
candidate	4
guaranteed	2
hall	8
treatment	2
presidents	3
five	2
like	2
toyota	4
roll	2
people	4
senate	2
back	2
interment	2
images	10
home	2
jeremy	2
congress	3
memories	2
cnn	3
losing	2
post	2
favorite	2
flake	4
afternoon	2
act	2
washington	10
intervention	2
support	5
legislation	2
way	2
:	10
war	4
lowered	2
getty	10
official	2
emotional	2
fellow	2
ap	2
az	8
us	3
want	3
incredible	2
event	2
politicians	2
vietnam	5
department	2
thousand	4
monday	6
meghan	2
william	4
evan	2
repeal	5
serious	2

Data Set 3

queen	2
weekend	2
hornets	17
also	2
penn	2
around	2
camino	3
watson	12
not	2
found	2
el	3
old	2
travis	2
video	3
cleveland	2
said	13
away	2
state	2
eggs	2
pumping	2
ohio	3
post	2
according	2
alliance	3
washington	2
two	2
three	2
dangerous	2
tree	2
bee	4
can	3
hornet	2
honeybees	2
built	2
chevrolet	2
i’ve	2
european	7
nest	12
guys	2
man	2
—	2
typically	2
the	3

Data Set 4

can	2
recreate	5
dinosaurs	7
dna?	2
william	2
ausich	2
ohio	2
state	2
university	2
would	6
possible	2
dna	21
–	8
that’s	4
studies	2
ancient	4
time	2
all	2
scientists	8
“jurassic	2
and	2
rex	2
movies	2
could	4
something	2
every	3
organism	2
lived	3
think	2
molecules	2
like	2
find	4
soft	2
parts	3
animal	2
dinosaur’s	2
long	3
dinosaur	14
dino	3
still	2
bones	3
museum	2
million	6
years	7
ago	3
image	2
via	2
unsplash	2
fossils	6
called	2
now	2
they’re	2
decay	2
disintegrates	2
today	2
know	2
it’s	2
not	3
make	3
fragments	5
imagine	2
kid	2
article	2

Data Set 5

nws	2
highways	2
much	2
flash	2
east	3
tuesday	2
hit	2
big	5
trees	2
records	2
international	2
now	2
areas	2
hawaii	12
across	2
miles	2
view	3
says	6
people	2
twitter	4
some	2
back	2
pacific	3
wednesday	2
images	2
depression	2
drenched	2
since	2
hurricane	10
landslides	2
state	4
hilo	6
cyclone	2
ever	2
got	2
reported	3
island	5
airport	2
warnings	2
islands	2
image	2
one	2
brought	2
weather	6
total	5
open	2
service	3
west	4
tama	2
tropical	7
storm	7
expected	2
recorded	2
:	2
national	2
pm	2
rainfall	7
way	2
inches	4
getty	2
honolulu	2
highest	5
town	2
also	2
maui	2
days	2
say	2
weakened	2
rains	3
flood	2
sunday	3
several	3
beach	3
four	2
status	2
monday	3
miriam	2
rain	4
mario	2
floodwaters	4
lane	10
—	2
third	3
county	2
ocean	2

Were you able to figure it out without computational tools?!)